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LeafyQuick Wellness

Instruction to Submit Your Application

Medical Card Patient Program (MCPP)

Now that you have received your attending physician statement from your doctor, you must register for the Medical Card Program; this is an online registration only. Upon completing registration successfully, you will be issued and receive your card within 7-10 business days.


To successfully complete registration, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to

















Step 2: Now select New Patient Registration, you will need the reference number provided to you on your attending physician statement.

  • Before entering the registry, be sure to you read all instructions and have all required documentation ready to upload so you can expedite registration and approval. 

  • You will be contacted by the MMP if additional documentation is needed. If your application is validated by the MMP, you will receive a payment confirmation (via email) notifying you that your registration is complete and you may pay for your card.

Step 3: Payment

When you receive an email from the program that clears you for payment, you must return to and select the New Patient/Caregiver Payment option.

  • You may pay with a Credit/Debit card or a check by inputting the information as required. 

  • After payment, you will receive a confirmation number. This number verifies your payment.


After submitting your payment, expect your card to arrive at your residency within 7-10 business days. You will also receive instructions with your card on how to proceed forward.


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